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খুলনা মঙ্গলবার , ৫ই ফাল্গুন, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ , ১৮ই ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ
COP29 Lead Negotiator Outlines Vision and Strategy for Success for Climate Diplomacy | চ্যানেল খুলনা

COP29 Lead Negotiator Outlines Vision and Strategy for Success for Climate Diplomacy

COP29 Lead Negotiator Yalchin Rafiyev presented the COP29 Presidency’s vision and strategy for the upcoming climate summit in Baku in November. On the sidelines of the Bonn Climate Change Conference, Mr. Rafiyev built on the two pillars of the COP29 vision to enhance ambition and enable action and set out pathways to deliver the agenda for this year’s climate diplomacy.

In line with the COP29 Presidency’s commitment to transparency and collaborative engagement, Mr. Rafiyev followed his presentation with an open consultation with parties and observer constituencies to receive feedback and inputs on the vision and strategy for COP29.

In terms of the first pillar to enhance ambition, Mr. Rafiyev set out clear expectations of the parties to submit ambitious plans and targets with Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans. He described how these plans should be supplemented by robust transparency with the first Biennial Transparency Reports under the Enhanced Transparency Framework.

Acknowledging the challenges for parties to submit these plans and reports, Mr. Rafiyev identified the work the COP29 Presidency was undertaking to ensure parties receive the support they need to prepare and submit their plans.

In terms of the second pillar to enable action, Mr. Rafiyev addressed the ongoing negotiations for a fair and ambitious new climate finance goal and efforts to finalize Article 6.

Mr. Rafiyev said, “We are grateful for how the parties have approached the task with a clear spirit of urgency and solidarity, as we try to solve one of the defining challenges of the climate crisis. And we are calling on everyone to bridge the gaps, bringing together options into potential solutions and narrow down the choices as much as possible here in Bonn.”

Demonstrating commitment to accelerating action, Mr. Rafiyev announced the COP29 Presidency would host a Heads of Delegation meeting in July in Azerbaijan to advance discussions on the new climate finance goal and other items in the agenda.

Mr. Rafiyev also noted “progress is also essential outside of our process. On this front, as recognized in the outcome of GST, Multilateral Development Banks and International Financial Institutions will have an important role.”. He then set out expectations for global financial institutions and the largest economies in the G7 and G20 to signal their commitment to enhance ambition and enable action in their respective meetings and summits.

Mr. Rafiyev also noted “progress is also essential outside of our process. On this front, as recognized in the outcome of GST, Multilateral Development Banks and International Financial Institutions will have an important role.”. He then set out expectations for global financial institutions and the largest economies in the G7 and G20 to signal their commitment to enhance ambition and enable action in their respective meetings and summits.


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